Whew, chile, dem bags are expensive!! Gurl, did you see the price tag? Makes you want to buy a replica handbag or better yet no-name handbag! Lawd knows I need to back up and walk away. Designer bags can carry a hefty price due to the label on the bag. The more expensive the purse, the more people with no money want to buy them.
It sounds like I’m hating and putting ice water on your dream of owning a luxury bag. I know, I know, you need it for the gram. I get it, but seriously though, can you afford that bag? Did you not pay your light bill to get the bag? Will you be sitting in the dark next week searching for your candles to light? Gurl, that’s not a good look.
Word of Wisdom
A self-image rooted in what we have and not who we are is a recipe for broke disaster. Now, if you can afford it, by all means, boo boo, get it, and pretend that you’ve never seen this post. If you can’t afford it, well, miss lady, you need to read on.
Lady friend, don’t knock the knockoff. Who is going to know it isn’t the real thing? How many people do you know that are designer bag aficionados? Who will know that you bought a replica handbag instead of the real thing? Probably zero to none! $9000 or $35? Both bags do the same thing…hold shit. How about this, get that $35 bag and put the other $8,965 in the $35 bag and be rich instead of looking like you are. Making wise decisions about how and where you spend your money will lead you to a happier money life.
In the article ‘The Rich New York Women Who Love Their Fake Birkins’ by Sangeeta Singh-Kurtz of The Cut Sangeeta explores the world of the rich and their spending habits and their love affair with replica handbags. If the rich, who can afford it, are not spending their precious dollars on designer handbags why should you?
Shop Thrift
Another alternative to the high price tag if you have to have a designer bag is to shop thrift. To be successful at scoring those designer bags at steal prices is to shop at thrift stores in more affluent areas. Shop these stores at the beginning of each season. Designers add new collections with the start of each new season and this includes handbags too! Check out this article on how to shop thrift.
Still, have to have the original bag? Then grab our ‘I deserve It and Save For It Worksheet.’
Definitely knock off because I have a cute one!!! lol
I have a few knock offs and they all look good to me!